Giardino Quantico
All the colors of quantum entanglement-(ebook)
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Pages in the printed version: 340.
Edizioni PensareDiverso. Copyright 2018
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From the myth of Plato's cave, to the synchronicity of Carl Jung, to the holographic universe of David Bohm.Quantum physics rejects materialism and reveals the spiritual component of the universe.
Author: George Anderson
Pages 354. 58 illustrations.
The book is divided into three parts. In the first part (The intuitions) the author deals with the most relevant hypotheses on the illusory reality of the perceptible world. The existence of a level of consciousness that transcends matter has been envisaged by the great thinkers. We find this idea in Plato's Myth of the Cave, in Berkeley's Immaterialistic Theory, in the Psychology of Form. The most authoritative source lies in the works on the collective unconscious and on the theory of synchronicity by Carl Jung.
In the second part (Confirmations) the author describes in an elementary but detailed way the path of quantum physics, from Thomas Young's double slit experiment to the phenomena of the superposition of states and quantum correlation. Through these privileged keys it is possible to understand quantum entanglement. In the third part (Perspectives) the author describes the theories developed by David Bohm on the "quantum potential" on the "implicated universe". and on the holographic vision of the cosmos. Everything is explained with absolute simplicity, without the use of mathematical formulas and with the help of many illustrations.
Humanity, from its very beginnings, wanted to investigate the origin and composition of things, to discover their functioning and their intimate purpose.
The universally used method is to break down objects into smaller and smaller parts, then analyzing them with every possible technique, from visual investigation to chemical reactions. This still happens today. For example, if a scientist wants to discover the chemical and physical structure of a cube of granite, he will break it into smaller and smaller pieces until it is divided into individual atoms.
However, if the scientist himself wants to investigate the individual particles that make up the atom, he receives an incredible surprise. The granite cube behaves like an ice cube would. The scientist sees the matter that becomes fog, evaporates, disappears between his fingers. Solid matter becomes energy that vibrates.
The single particles are transformed into fluctuating waves without any solid corporeality.
At the subatomic level, matter is no longer solid matter, it becomes something different.
Elementary particles deceive us. They look like solid specks if someone observes them, but they behave like vibrating waves when they are not observed.
Atoms practically only contain vacuum.
On the surface, we believe we can touch, weigh, manipulate and measure matter. But, in its most intimate composition, matter becomes a ripple of emptiness, energy, information, wave or vibration. What seems to us solid material, in its most intimate essence is no longer solid material.
At this point, it is clear that we can no longer speak of a single reality. Depending on the levels of observation, from the extremely small to the infinitely large, there are many realities, all different but all absolutely true.
Or, perhaps, there are many aspects of a higher reality, still unknown. All philosophies and religions have always hypothesized a "zone of the spirit" transcending matter; no one, however, has ever been able to provide proof of its existence. Today quantum physics is opening a huge window on horizons that, until the last century, we could not have imagined. The confirmations come from the experiments carried out successfully, especially those relating to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
Today we know that there is a level of reality that is no longer subject to the constraints of Newtonian physics. The physics of matter is no longer sufficient to describe the universe.
Quantum physics demonstrates the existence of a level in which energy and information take over matter. This is the so-called "non-local" level. We could define it a psychic or spiritual level. At this level, a universal Intelligence interacts with humanity. The paths of communication with the intelligent universe pass through the collective unconscious that was theorized by Carl Jung.
Jungian synchronicities guide us in a cultural evolutionary project. It is a project that we are beginning to become aware of.
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